Książę i Księżna Sussex udostępnili oficjalne zdjęcia ślubne, wykonane przez urodzonego w Wielkiej Brytanii (obecnie mieszkającego w Stanach Zjednoczonych) fotografa Alexa Lubomirskiego. Nazwisko brzmi znajomo? Matka fotografa pochodzi z Peru, natomiast ojciec Alexa pochodzi z rodu polskich książąt Lubomirskich.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have released three official photographs from their Wedding day.
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 21 maja 2018
These photographs were taken by photographer Alexi Lubomirski at Windsor Castle, following the carriage procession. #RoyalWedding pic.twitter.com/WBim9EkI4D
The Duke and Duchess would like to thank everyone who took part in the celebrations of their Wedding.
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 21 maja 2018
They feel so lucky to have been able to share their day with all those gathered in Windsor and those who watched on television across the UK, Commonwealth, and around the world. pic.twitter.com/RSa9ukqxLF
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex with the Bridesmaids and Page Boys, taken by photographer Alexi Lubomirski in the Green Drawing Room of Windsor Castle. #RoyalWedding pic.twitter.com/nFaPQSIzVl
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 21 maja 2018
(af) thefad.pl